Monday, November 10, 2008

10 on 10 :: November

Dropping Sean off at Nana's house for the day - waving to her through the window

In-service day at school today, no students, plenty of work.

Making copies

A little breather in between meetings

Back at it . . . .
A few hours later . . . back to pick up Sean

The moon

Sean loves busses, and was thrilled to see this one parked outside our house when we got home

Play time

Playing with the flashlight


Jenny said...

he really isn't a baby anymore!

Sarah said...

Beautiful Katie,

I can't believe I finally found you! I was just reconnected with Mandy over facebook 2 days ago and was asking her how I could get in touch with you!!! I have been reading through your blog, smiling at how beautiful you are and crying at how precious your little boy is; I know you are a wonderful mother.

Long story short, I am living in Italy with my fiance and his family, but am going to be home for 2 and half months starting in December. I HAVE to see you and give you a huge hug and catch up on life!

My email is and my blog is

Over these past 10 years, I have always wondered how you were and I feel so blessed to have you back in my life.
