Friday, April 20, 2007

belly dancing

Thought this would be fun!
These pictures start when I was 25 weeks along and are taken about every 2 weeks. The last one is me at 38.5 weeks - ready to go!


Anonymous said...

wow! you can almost see that little one peeking out.

So... you're almost there.
Very exciting times.

We know everything is going to go just fine. We will turn in to see when the baby pictures are in.

We love you!
God bless,

Anonymous said...

Well Katie, you are finally looking pregnant. I can't believe the change between 25 and 37 weeks. I am so excited to meet this little one, and for Addison to meet his cousin!!
Love you guys,

Mandy said...

Yay! Love seeing these all together! I can't believe how cute you are in all of them! And how little you were at 25 weeks! I'm so excited to meet the little guy!

Jenny said...

looks like he's dropped...I'll be praying for you this week.

If you have him on 4/28 maybe you can name him Costco as this is my anniversary date (which i think i've already told you).

Wow, you're going to be a mom in the next week...